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Dr. McConochie

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William A.
McConochie, Ph.D
License # 225, Oregon


Clinical and Research

Helping Adolescents and Adults Plan Inventory (HAAPI)

The HAAPI is a 305-item inventory designed to measure all of the factors that prior research has associated with delinquent behavior, such as difficult family circumstances, drug and alcohol abuse at an early age, associating with delinquent peers and poor feeling management skills. The HAAPI includes the McARFV within it (see McARFV). It provides separate scores for each of the many dimensions measured.

Initial norming was done on only 33 teenagers, so additional norming is needed. Clinicians and researchers interested in helping with such norming should contact me, especially if they can foresee immediate use of the instrument in their settings once the HAAPI is normed. This test could easily be adapted for use with adults also, simply by norming it on adults.

Test Length: An hour, or more, depending on reading skill
Age Level:
Teens & Adults
None until norming is expanded

This test is available both online and as a paper test which is scored online.

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