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Dr. McConochie

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William A.
McConochie, Ph.D
License # 225, Oregon


Clinical and Research

The Big 5/45 and CAPPs Report
Career and Personality Profiles

The Big 5/45 is a comprehensive personality profile. It has 485 items that measure the Big Five personality traits (Extroversion, Agreeableness, Openness or Intellectual Interests, Emotional Stability and Conscientiousness). There are 9 facet scores within each of the 5 main traits.

In addition to scores on all 45 facets and total scores, you will receive hints on which of 305 jobs for which your personality might suit you. For many jobs, however, personality is not a strong predictor, so don't put too much faith in the job scores. More than by personality per se, career interests seem to be formed by experience, persons after whom we model ourselves, educational opportunities and on-the-job experiences.

Test Length: 40-60 minutes

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